Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014


My friend Nisazka Syaula’s dream job is to be a successful designer. For Nisazka, her dream job has to have the word ‘success’ in it because she wants to totally devote to her work. She loves to design both shoes and dresses, and prefers none over the other. As such, she would be fine with doing only one of the two, although if she is able to work on both, it would be twice the fun for her.

When she was sixteen, she had planned to go either to Esmod or Lasalle, or other places abroad in order to accumulate more experiences. However, her mother told her that she should enter ITB’s FSRD instead, since it has a fashion designing major, which is what she is fond of.

Sazka has a plan that five years from then she would move to either Tokyo or New York to continue her studies. That would require her to get a postgraduate scholarship to pursue her passions in fashion business. After that, she would start her own professional career in fashion runaway, and she aims to be an international designer. Since she has finally begun her journey to be a successful fashion designer, she is going to take her dream and everything about it seriously – after all, it will become her future job.

By: Christian Listiyanto

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